Breeding Bettas: A Complete Guide
Breeding bettas, also known as Siamese fighting fish, can be a very rewarding experience for aquarists. Known for their vibrant colors and elaborate fins, bettas are popular in the aquarium world. However, breeding them requires specific knowledge and careful preparation. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to successfully breed bettas.
1. Preparing the Breeding Aquarium
Before you start breeding, it is crucial to prepare a specific aquarium for breeding. Here are some points to consider:
- Aquarium Size : A 20 liter aquarium is sufficient for breeding bettas.
- Substrate and Decor : Use a dark substrate and add hiding places like floating plants and caves to make fish feel safe.
- Water quality : Maintain a temperature between 26°C and 28°C and a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Make sure the water is clean and well filtered, but avoid strong currents.
2. Selection of Fish
Choosing the right breeders is essential for successful breeding. Here are some tips:
- Male Selection : Choose a healthy male with bright colors and intact fins.
- Female selection : Choose a healthy, active female ready to breed (rounded belly).
3. Conditioning of Breeders
Before putting them together, condition your bettas with a rich and varied diet for about a week. Live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp are ideal for stimulating their reproduction.
4. Introduction and Laying
- Initial separation : Introduce the female into the breeding aquarium while keeping her separated from the male by a transparent wall or a floating bottle.
- Behavior Observation : The male will begin building a bubble nest on the surface of the water. Once the nest is ready and the male is displaying courtship signs (flared fins, displays), you can release the female.
- Laying : The male will wrap his body around the female to help her release her eggs, which he will immediately fertilize. The eggs will then be collected and placed in the bubble nest by the male.
5. Post-Laying Care
After laying, remove the female to prevent her from being attacked by the male. The male will continue to care for the eggs by guarding them in the nest and fanning them until hatching, which usually occurs after 24 to 36 hours.
6. Care of the Fry
Once the fry begin to swim freely (after about three days), remove the male to prevent him from eating them. Feed the fry infusoria or brine shrimp nauplii several times a day.
7. Growth and Separation
As the fry grow, separate them to avoid overcrowding and fighting. Maintain optimum water quality and feed them regularly with food appropriate for their size.
Breeding bettas requires patience and careful attention, but with the right preparation and care, it is possible to successfully raise these beautiful fish. Follow these steps and you will be able to enjoy the beauty and satisfaction that bettas bring to your aquarium. Good luck and happy breeding!