Importance of UV light for reptiles
What is UV (ultraviolet) light and why is it important for our reptiles?
In simple terms, it is radiation that comes from sunlight and consists of wavelengths ranging from 100 to 400 nanometers. There are 3 types of UV in this wavelength range: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.
In nature, turtles, snakes, reptiles in general are often seen sunbathing and sunbathing. The latter provides them with both heat (wavelength in the infrared range) and UV light.
Although this article is mainly about UV light, the heat source goes hand in hand with it. Reptiles are cold-blooded. Unlike mammals that have a stable internal body temperature that regulates itself, reptiles rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature, which is directly affected by their environment. That is why we need to provide them with both a heat source, a light source, and areas where they can also hide (shade).
There are bulbs on the market that provide heat or light, or both.
UVA - this radiation is very important for our reptiles and helps regulate their natural behaviors, for example when to eat, sleep, mate, etc. It makes the animal happier and allows it to better perceive its environment.
Compared to humans, reptiles see additional colors due to UVA light. For example, food becomes more colorful and tasty for them (green is greener, red is redder, etc.).
All "reptile UVA lamps" emit a lot of UVA; metal halide bulbs are particularly efficient sources which, combined with their extremely high light output, make them excellent simulators of sunlight.
Lamps that do not emit UVA, such as white and colored LEDs and infrared heat lamps, do not provide color vision to reptiles and should not be a primary light source in the vivarium.
UVB - also very important for our reptiles. UVB radiation helps in the synthesis of vitamin D3, which in turn allows reptiles to absorb calcium and maintain healthy bones (and shells for turtles).
UVB rays work in conjunction with heat and proper nutrition for vitamin D3 conversion, so make sure the heating and UV exposure is even across the reptile's entire body in the basking area.
For example, many reptiles that sunbathe in the wild but do not receive the proper amount of UVB radiation in captivity will eventually develop metabolic bone disease. Reptiles that require a higher amount of UVB light include turtles and tortoises, bearded dragons, iguanas, chameleons, and many others.
Metal reflectors can greatly improve UV dispersion - ideal for desert species, but use with caution. Even nocturnal geckos or shade-dwelling tortoises and lizards can benefit from UVB.
The easiest way to know how much UVB your reptiles need is to determine their natural habitat and climate! If they live in a desert climate, they usually get a lot of sunlight and are used to more infrared and UV radiation, but they also need a dark, dry place to hide from the UV rays and heat. If they live in a tropical climate, the environment in their terrarium/vivarium should mimic this as well.
So to choose the right UVB bulb for your reptile, just look at the UV-B index of it. For example, a bearded dragon lives in a desert climate, so it needs a UV-B index of about 10.0. On the other hand, a UV-B index of 3.0 is more than enough for a water turtle, because it does not live in the desert! 4.0-5.0 for a land turtle, etc.
UVC - It is a germicidal radiation, but a large amount of UVC or prolonged exposure is harmful to any living thing.
It is a shorter wavelength radiation than UVA/UVB and in nature it is almost completely blocked by the ozone layer and oxygen in the atmosphere. However, due to its harmful effects, it makes a good germicide and can help eliminate pathogens. UVC purifiers are sold separately in the shop.
Can UV bulbs replace natural sunlight for reptiles and pets?
Yes. UV bulbs exist for the purpose of providing "natural" light to reptiles that are kept in an enclosed space without access to direct sunlight. Pet owners must be sure to choose the right type of bulb for their pets, often combining different light and heat sources.
Please find below the favorite products of our customers and their reptiles.
The effective use of UV bulbs?
Each animal has its own needs, but it is generally recommended to keep the UVB bulbs and heat source on for 10 hours. It is also advisable to provide a nighttime heat source (ceramic bulb that only provides heat and no light or a heat mat, black or red night bulbs).
Be aware that UVB will decrease with improper use.
Many pet owners may not know this, but any material, even transparent ones such as glass or plastic, attenuates the power of UV rays. Some more than others, depending on the nature of the material, its thickness, its refractive index, etc. Therefore, placing an aquarium near the window will not necessarily provide enough UV rays for your pet. It must be exposed directly to the light source.
Another thing we pet owners need to know is the lifespan of the bulbs.
Because we don't see the UV rays ourselves, we can't really tell when we need to change the bulb. That's why it's generally recommended to replace it after 6 months of use, even if it's still functional, especially if the bulb in question is UVB emitting.
No bulb should be placed closer than approximately 15 cm from the animal; 30.5 cm is the standard minimum for neon tubes, but some require a minimum distance of 38 cm, depending on their power and/or UV-B index.
Thank you for your attention and see you soon!